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Birmingham B20 3 JQ


(0121) 356 5032


Respite care Birmingham

The Importance of Respite Care in Birmingham


The word “Respite Care” is one that is frequently misunderstood. Most people associate it with selfishness and frivolity. It is greatly underestimated by those not having a proper understanding of the word, and for the ones who know its meaning and use it, they can’t seem to live without it. You may ask “Why is respite care important?” but to answer this question, we must take a look at its definition first.

How do you describe Respite Care?

Respite care is basically a service that helps family caregivers by giving interim care for an elderly loved one that requires assistance. The family caregiver can be relieved of his or her duties temporarily so that he or she can rest and recharge.

This temporary care can last up to an hour to a number of weeks. Respite care can be administered as a one-time thing for a special occasion or on a day-to-day basis as caregiving support. Commonly, respite care is given for those with terminal diseases, chronic illnesses, disabilities, or an ageing loved one.

Does Respite Care have Importance?

According to research, individuals who act as caregivers for family members are more prone to stress-related health conditions like depression. Another study reveals that family caregivers are twice as likely to suffer a chronic disease than their non-caregiver counterparts and that providing care can take as much as ten years off of the concerned caregivers’ life.

Respite care should be thought of as a necessary component of a caregiver program rather than being considered a luxury. It is recommended that you schedule regular respites and don’t wait till the moment you’re on the edge of burnout. The benefits can be reaped by not just the caregiver but also the patient being cared for.

How Respite Care Benefits the Caregiver:

  • Allows a chance for the caregivers to rest and restore so they can come back to their duties as a caregiver with a refreshed mind and body
  • Alleviates the stress from caregiving responsibilities
  • Strengthens the immune system of the caregiver as it gives their body, mind, and soul of a really needed break
  • Boosts the patience level of the family caregiver
  • Brings back the lost energy of the caregiver
  • Helps the caregiver find balance in their life and focus on attending to their responsibilities unrelated to caregiving
  • Gets rid of the issues of depression and isolation that may settle in for a caregiver
  • Allows for engagement in life aside from the elderly loved one so that the caregiver can provide care to their own family, keep up with their friendships, and pursue their career goals.
  • Grants opportunities for vacations and getaways, etc.
  • It helps the caregiver gain a new perspective by allowing them to view the situation from a distance
  • Provides opportunities for growth and development to both the caregiver and the patient
  • Saves money by preventing expensive out-of-home placements

How Respite Care Benefits the Patient:

  • Introduces more variety and relationships into the patient’s life
  • Averts negative feelings such as isolation and depression
  • Grants opportunities for growth and development
  • Makes sure the patient will not be ignored at times when a caregiver is unable to be there and will instead be getting all their needs adequately met
  • It is a refreshing change in the patient’s life and everyone around them
  • Facilities of at-home care allow the patient to remain in the comfort of their homes even when their family caregiver is not present.

The phenomenon of Caregiver Burnout

Coming back to the question of why is respite care important, a solid answer is that it reduces the chances of caregiver burnout. It is important to keep in mind that if you push yourself too far as a caregiver, you will be setting yourself up for a disease that could eventually leave you helpless in terms of providing care for your loved one, which will make life more complicated for both the patient and yourself. Hence, it is always better to care for yourself and avoid burnout by taking aid from Respite Care Services in Birmingham during the process. In this way, you can maintain your best health possible to continue being the provider of the best care.

A caregiver should never feel guilty about something, such as respite care. In contrast, its meaning should be recognised, which is that you are responsible enough to do what you need to do, in order to become a better caregiver for your loved one.

July 4, 2020

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