
One stop care solution

466 Birchfield Road Perry Barr
Birmingham B20 3 JQ


(0121) 356 5032


Our Staff

One stop care solution provides friendly and flexible care and support in Birmingham and the surrounding area to a wide range of individuals, including older people, people with a learning disability, people with physical and sensory disabilities, people with mental health needs and people with substance dependency needs.

Our rigorous recruitment procedures ensure that we employ ideally suited candidates, personally interviewed by one of our trained consultants and thoroughly vetted to determine their skills and experience.

Our staff are all DBS checked and we regularly undertake quality assurance visits and quality control checks.

They are all trained in Manual Handling, Emergency First Aid, and CPR, Infection Control, Food Hygiene, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adult and Children and Health & Safety. In addition, all Care Workers will have either already attained or be in the process of attaining an NVQ II in Health and Social Care.

Please call us on 0121 356 5032 for further advice.

Enquiry Form

    Our care adviser will be happy to help. Simply Call us on (0121) 356 5032 or fill in our contact form.


    Telephone:(0121) 356 5032


    466 Birchfield Road Perry Barr Birmingham B20 3 JQ